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Everything posted by Senkusha

  1. Senkusha posted a post in a topic in The News Room
    If you need any advice, feel free to ask! I've lived on my own for decades! LOL I'll also check around to see if I can find some house warming gifts for ya too!
  2. Senkusha posted a post in a topic in Japanese Corner
    I listen to a lot of J-POP, I know, nobody is surprised by that. But do you, like I do, ever get that AH-HA! moment when you're listening to a song in Japanese and you're like "OMG! I know what that WORD means!!" I get a similar feeling whenever I hear my name in any Japanese song. I may not know what the song is specifically about, but I do recognize that the singers are singing about The Heart, The Soul, or perhaps even somebody's Character (morals, values, ethics, etc)
  3. I have never been to Japan, although I did have an opportunity when I was 19, recently joined the Air Force, but chose to "stay close to my (so called) family and friends here in the States. I didn't discover anime until 2002, well after I had ended my Tour of Duty (1999), but I'm sure if I had been exposed to anime before my entrance into the USAF, I most certainly would have jumped on it. I do regret not exploring the world while I had the opportunity to do so. Today, I'm too poor, broke, and broken to really travel, and as I've grown older, I've lost that itch to travel really anywhere. The highlight of my day is returning to my comfortable home--apartment, cooking dinner, and goofing off on the Internet. I experience Japan through social media, internet buddies, and of course anime and the food. When I was in college I took three semesters of Japanese Language, however, because that was in like 2004, I've forgotten most of the vocabulary I learned. You know what they say, if you don't use it, you lose it!
  4. What about featuring food and recipes from anime and manga? Everybody's gotta eat, and some of my favorite dishes are actually normally Japanese items.
  5. Senkusha posted a post in a topic in Cyber Lounge
    I was among the wave of TikTok Refugees when the US Govt banned TikTok, and since FaceBook has seemingly acquired it, the App hasn't had the same vibe. I jumped ship to Red Note, and I'm wondering if anybody else has been astounded by the Chinese culture and OMG, the food!?
  6. Senkusha posted a post in a topic in Webmaster Hangout
    I've peaked at quite a few, including the Xenforo, which does look pretty nice. But I'm a cheap bastard, and so my favorite is SMF. I'm ancient, and have trolled among other internet dweebs since the days of Old: YABB. Bonus points if anybody remembers what that stands for!
  7. I'm a "Front End Supervisor" Translation: A glorified cashier with a key. I think in idiot-speak, my official job title is "Your feet are going to hurt all the time, day and night, even when you're sleeping", but that's much too long of a job title. Basically, my job entails me running to and fro like a headless chicken all day, and getting screamed at by stupid customers who refuse to use common sense, or reading ability. I really need a new job!
  8. Senkusha posted a post in a topic in Cyber Lounge
    I'm really not sure I have a dream job, per se, but I imagine something involving Creative Writing, or anime. I've attempted to start a business years ago selling anime merchandise online, but that flopped. I wouldn't mind being a writer, but I found I tend to get distracted too easily, and lately, with the world's events slamming into me constantly, I'm having a really hard time concentrating and keeping my focus. I also enjoy dabbling with programming, and I had a blast working with Unreal Engine 5, so maybe animation, 3D modeling, rigging? Game Dev? It's something creative, I know that much.
  9. I could have sworn I wrote an introductory post at one point....Ah well. Anyway, I'm Senkusha! I'm a Magical Girl. See? I sparkle even! I'm old. Seven-Squared, old. (for the mathematically inept, that translates to 49. cringe). If you haven't already guessed by my attitude, I can be slightly sarcastic. But honestly, I'm a fun loving girl, an anime girl, who loves other anime girls, the fictional heroines of my dreams! Ah, yes, someday, one of them will save me from the tormented dungeon that I am currently residing in, inappropriately named, "Land of the Free". But enough about that Dystopian Dumpster Fire. I mentioned I adore anime, and that's why I'm here. I love building community, making friends and worshiping certain long, pig-tailed goddesses. (Hey, you'd worship them too, if you realized they could whip your butt without flinching!) I'm going to rehash some of the About Me profile stuff here, because I know and understand that probably nobody even reads those pages...unless you're totally bored and like creative torture in the form of multi-syllable words. My favorite anime, even after over a decade is still Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Tenchi Universe and Ah! My Goddess follow a close second, and then I start getting in to the weird anime, like Shuffle! and Midori Days. Don't judge. 😅 Anyway, my favorite character is Fate Testarossa from the aforementioned favorite anime. She's been my heroine whom has pulled me out of some truly dark places during my nearly five decades of existence. She and I have an absurd level of determination. That's probably one of the many reasons why I feel so bonded toward this particular blond. Furthermore, for music, I enjoy some BabyMetal, other random J-POP music. Songs from K-ON were popular with me for a long time. My favorite songs include I'm A Pioneer (Tenchi Muyo OVA2) -- that's where I originally derived my screen name from, and Happy Material (Negima!). I happen to really find the third version particularly groovy, and will often just start to break out into uncoordinated dance moves as my body involuntarily conforms to the majestic rhythms. You've been warned, so if you're ever out in public with me, that's your cue to say "I really don't know her." Yes, I will embarrass the heck out of you. (and yes, I'm censoring my rather crude tongue.) Have you figured out that I can be rather long winded yet? I really hope you don't mind, but I'm ordinarily pretty shy, that is unless you get to know me, and then you experience my ... unique and interesting style of humor. It can at times be on the perverted side, but fear not. That won't come out until you know me very well, and I know I'm in a safe space among trusted friends. Did I mention I'm hoping to make some friends? I hope so. And I do tend to ramble and get off topic sometimes. I think that just comes with being old. Like me! Finally, I hope to be able to contribute here when I find a spare moment. So, is anybody clapping for me yet? Or did I bore you? Are you snoring?!?! 🙃