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Here you can read about everything about me, about my life and my anime journey

So I am looking for a secondhand xenForo for a project I want to do. and well I found this website “Extra License” which allows users to sell trade or buy a forum software license. Well, I think I just got scammed. Person gave me all the right info I needed to validate the license. But I think they are pretending to sell their license to scam people out of money. I have a Dispute with Paypal underway. I am going to give him till moneday to refund my money or I am taking it up with PayPal.
Sinistra Sensei
So I suffer from Insomnia, and well it can get downright annoying! especially when I have to work the next day. So you might ask, What do I do to help with the endless nights of no sleep? Well, first if I know I am going to be not tied I will stay up till about 12 to 1 AM in the morning (this is if I don’t have to be at work at 6 AM) and I will try and do something, Play some video games, work on websites, watch TV, or Youtube. On nights where I have to be up at 6 AM is one of the hardest to dea
Sinistra Sensei